These blogs on the Hebrew alphabet are to be read in conjunction with the bite-sized teachings available via video on this website.
The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the letter vav.
The ancient Hebrew pictograph for vav is a tent peg or nail. This was believed to represent connection or a connecting force.

The classical or modern Hebrew letter consists of a vertical line with an added yod. Below, on the left, is an example of manual print and, on the right, an example of book print.

Phonetically speaking, the letter vav sounds like a “v” as in vine, however it actually became our “f” in both the English and Latin alphabets.
Numerically, vav is associated with the number 6. Six represents the number of man as it was on the sixth day that God created man (Genesis 1:27). Six is often considered to be a negative number due to the fall of man and its associations with the mark of the beast (666), however Jesus was hung on the cross on the sixth hour of the sixth day using a vav (six) and therein lies the redemption of mankind and the number six.
The word Vav actually means hook and it is used frequently in Exodus 27 where God gives instructions for the building of the tabernacle.
The first vav is used in Genesis 1:1 where it says “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” – in the Hebrew the vav is used and seen as the connecting force of God and the divine hook that binds together heaven and earth and therefore spiritual and natural.
Also, referring back to Genesis 1:27 where it says “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him.”, it seems as though God is repeating Himself, however, in the Hebrew, the way the sentence is structured, it begins with a Vav and ends with a Vav which demonstrates God’s eternal connection to man.